
Today I wanted to talk about a topic that perhaps in this faculty nobody cares or is an invisible topic. I am referring to the appropriation of the indigenous theme as a "your own" theme of the Faculty. Since I started studying Anthropology, I noticed that some people spoke with certain "property" about the Mapuche conflict and other ethnic conflicts. By doing this we are ignoring the colonizing character that our degree has always had, we appropriated certain political discourses because they are "our objects of study", being that this action is just another colonialist form disguised as an "anticolonialist" discourse. I wonder sometimes if they themselves who appropriate struggles that do not correspond to them are sometimes questioned if the communities really want more winkas posing as allies. Many of the academics of the faculty make use of this discourse of appropriation without even asking permission from the peñis or the communities in conflict. I do not like the vision of my comrade to always want to carry the "indigenist" flag ahead, since our degree has been one of the criminal accomplices of the genocide suffered by indigenous peoples throughout the world. I remember that on one occasion comrade from the faculty came to ask me to make contact with the Mapuches to ask what they needed (as a gesture of solidarity). In this situation I interrogated myself and came to the conclusion that if I did that they would send me to fuck it, because once again they were the rich little boys of the University of Chile who wanted to be protagonists (since the help of the politic party is never disinterested)
