About Mass Media and Internet:

Most of the times I'm surfing on the internet, I do it to visit pages of counter-information, for the control of economic groups over the mass media, so they are neither impartial nor tolerant, but under that fachade they hide the Private and State interests in the control of public opinion. The story of El Mercurio is full of that.

For this reason, a few years ago I decided to choose alternative sites to inform me of the issues in which the control of the information is much more evident and explicit, for example: around the conflict with the Mapuche communities and the coverage of the raids and the systematic violence of the State in the Araucanía; or currently with the port conflict in Valparaiso.

Sites where you can find information about it are: Kizugünewtun (https://www.facebook.com/informacion.analisis/) , El Irreverente (https://www.facebook.com/El-Irreverente-218253995294130/),   Piensa Prensa (https://www.facebook.com/PIENSAPRENSA/), etc.
On the other hand, Radio Biobio is usually reliable as a mass medium of communication, because it has transversal coverage and has good reports. In a scene in which radio continues be the most reliable and accessible mass media for Chileans

I also visit sites with videos and food recipes, like Tasty Vegetarian (https://www.facebook.com/tastyvegetarian/). I REALLY spend time on that 😻
