
In this occasion i'm gonna write about this blog. I think this experience was too productive; however i think its more productive theoretical classes and practice in this blog.
In this experience i have developed my ability in write, this is too important in social sciences and i think this experience its good to my professional future. I like write about my experience in different topic on my life, because I learn more vocabulary about daily things.
I remember in one occasion the topic to write was a job, in this topic I talk about I want to be a chef. This occasion its too productive to me because I don’t have know too much vocabulary in turn to cooking. This topic still be good to me.
In other occasion I have to talk about a topic of my degree, its too difficult to me do this blog, because I don’t know nothing about my degree in English and I learn more about this.
In general i think this activity is help me to developed more vocabulary in this idiom about my degree and topics to interest me and to practice to write in English.


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